Many thanks to everyone for their donations
which made this an amazing success for all the families at Friends of the Family.
- Lynn Teeling -
December 9, 2023
which made this an amazing success for all the families at Friends of the Family.
- Lynn Teeling -
December 9, 2023
Donna's Email from 10-3-23
The Trammel Group 2023 Footlight Fundraising Series
Playing with Matches production by Trammel Group benefits Our Daily Bread and they are an entertaining and humorous group of professionals. We all enjoyed their Holiday performance last year at RRWC luncheon in December.
RRWC folks attended last year Fundraising Series and it was outstanding.
Tickets are $50. each and include Hors d’oeuvres, beer & wine.
I have 2 seats left at my table.
Please contact me if to want to attend at my table or you can contact
Triconne Brooks directly at 940 566 1308 et 107 if you want to book a table.
Any questions …contact me
Thursday November 9 th at 7 pm
Denton Women’s Club Building
610 Oakland St.Denton Tx
Reminder: Christmas Decorations for Friends of the Family will be collected at
November 6th Luncheon and December 4th Luncheon.
Thank you all for all you do !
Donna Gardner 214 585 355
The Trammel Group 2023 Footlight Fundraising Series
Playing with Matches production by Trammel Group benefits Our Daily Bread and they are an entertaining and humorous group of professionals. We all enjoyed their Holiday performance last year at RRWC luncheon in December.
RRWC folks attended last year Fundraising Series and it was outstanding.
Tickets are $50. each and include Hors d’oeuvres, beer & wine.
I have 2 seats left at my table.
Please contact me if to want to attend at my table or you can contact
Triconne Brooks directly at 940 566 1308 et 107 if you want to book a table.
Any questions …contact me
Thursday November 9 th at 7 pm
Denton Women’s Club Building
610 Oakland St.Denton Tx
Reminder: Christmas Decorations for Friends of the Family will be collected at
November 6th Luncheon and December 4th Luncheon.
Thank you all for all you do !
Donna Gardner 214 585 355
E-mail from Suzanne Spisak 10-12-23 & 10-24-23
Dear Community Outreach Members,
If you attended the meeting today about the Adopt-A-Family program, thank you and you have already received this information.
The Adopt-A-Family provides a rewarding experience of adopting a shelter family and ensuring they have holiday gifts as well as clothing this holiday season! If you did not attend the meeting, but are interested in participating in the 2023 Adopt-A-Family Program, please see the attached two documents:
· Adopt-A-Family Information sheet that outlines the dates and activities.
· Adopt-A-Family Donor Form that you can complete indicating the number of children and preferred gender and age range.
We will do our best to accommodate everyone and assign families to shoppers where possible.
If you are organizing a group of shoppers, you can provide one form that consolidates all the requests or separate forms for each shopper. We will work with you to make sure we get it right.
Key Dates:
· Please return the Donor Form to Suzanne Spisak by Tuesday, October 31.
Email, phone and address information is on the donor form.
· Please attend the meeting on Thursday, November 16 in the Legacy room in the Clubhouse at 10am.
At this meeting, we will provide you with information about the children / family you will be shopping for.
Please contact Suzanne or Dianna if you have questions in the meantime.
Thank you.
Suzanne Spisak - 216-973-7793 - [email protected]
Dianna Duncan - 940-445-1125 - [email protected]
Dear Community Outreach Members,
If you attended the meeting today about the Adopt-A-Family program, thank you and you have already received this information.
The Adopt-A-Family provides a rewarding experience of adopting a shelter family and ensuring they have holiday gifts as well as clothing this holiday season! If you did not attend the meeting, but are interested in participating in the 2023 Adopt-A-Family Program, please see the attached two documents:
· Adopt-A-Family Information sheet that outlines the dates and activities.
· Adopt-A-Family Donor Form that you can complete indicating the number of children and preferred gender and age range.
We will do our best to accommodate everyone and assign families to shoppers where possible.
If you are organizing a group of shoppers, you can provide one form that consolidates all the requests or separate forms for each shopper. We will work with you to make sure we get it right.
Key Dates:
· Please return the Donor Form to Suzanne Spisak by Tuesday, October 31.
Email, phone and address information is on the donor form.
· Please attend the meeting on Thursday, November 16 in the Legacy room in the Clubhouse at 10am.
At this meeting, we will provide you with information about the children / family you will be shopping for.
Please contact Suzanne or Dianna if you have questions in the meantime.
Thank you.
Suzanne Spisak - 216-973-7793 - [email protected]
Dianna Duncan - 940-445-1125 - [email protected]

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Do you have any extra Christmas decorations?
If so, bring them to the November 6th and December 4th Women’s Club luncheons.
The decorations will be given to Friends of the Family to allow families in the shelters to pick out their own decorations and decorate their space.
Please note that we do NOT want cash donations or anyone to purchase any new decorations.
If you have an extra set of lights, a Christmas stocking, a tree etc., please bring to either luncheon OR you can drop off at Lynn Teeling’s at 12212 Pepperidge Ave.
Place the items by the front door.
Help give a sheltered family the opportunity to decorate for Christmas.
E-mail from Donna October 5, 2023
Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread is placing clients from Transitional Program into their own apartments and there are many items needed for the pallets RRWC provides for their move.
To date, 127 pallets were given to ODB to Welcome Home ODB clients in their new apartments successfully moving from homelessness.
It is fall and we are looking to make ready for holiday season and you may have some of the items needed below.
Thank you for contributions received from Donation Day and for volunteers who worked that morning.
Updated list for most needed donation items for Our Daily Bread:
Dryer sheets
Laundry Baskets
Cleaning suppiies
Toilet Brushes
Pllace mats
Mixing Bowls
Garbage cans
Hot Pads/mitts
Queen mattress pads
Can openers
Contact Sherry Eason for drop off at
225 773 5431
You can drop off itmes on Sherry’s porch:
8008 Osprey Lane
Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread is placing clients from Transitional Program into their own apartments and there are many items needed for the pallets RRWC provides for their move.
To date, 127 pallets were given to ODB to Welcome Home ODB clients in their new apartments successfully moving from homelessness.
It is fall and we are looking to make ready for holiday season and you may have some of the items needed below.
Thank you for contributions received from Donation Day and for volunteers who worked that morning.
Updated list for most needed donation items for Our Daily Bread:
Dryer sheets
Laundry Baskets
Cleaning suppiies
Toilet Brushes
Pllace mats
Mixing Bowls
Garbage cans
Hot Pads/mitts
Queen mattress pads
Can openers
Contact Sherry Eason for drop off at
225 773 5431
You can drop off itmes on Sherry’s porch:
8008 Osprey Lane
Suzanne's Email from October 4, 2023
Community Outreach Members:
Please join us on Thursday, October 12 for a Community Outreach Meeting
to talk about our participation in the 2023 Denton County Adopt-a-Family program for Friends of the Family.
October 12, 2023 - 10:30am
Clubhouse - Bandera/Medina Room
Dianna Duncan and I are leading Adopt-a-Family in 2023.
Last year the Community Outreach Committee members bought gifts for over 80 children in 34 families.
We look forward to joining with all of you to make the 2023 program a success.
If you cannot attend the meeting, but want to participate in Adopt-A-Family,
please send me (Suzanne) an email to let me know and we will get information to you.
Thank you,
Suzanne Spisak - 216-973-7793 - [email protected]
Dianna Duncan - 940-445-1125 - [email protected]
Community Outreach Members:
Please join us on Thursday, October 12 for a Community Outreach Meeting
to talk about our participation in the 2023 Denton County Adopt-a-Family program for Friends of the Family.
October 12, 2023 - 10:30am
Clubhouse - Bandera/Medina Room
Dianna Duncan and I are leading Adopt-a-Family in 2023.
Last year the Community Outreach Committee members bought gifts for over 80 children in 34 families.
We look forward to joining with all of you to make the 2023 program a success.
If you cannot attend the meeting, but want to participate in Adopt-A-Family,
please send me (Suzanne) an email to let me know and we will get information to you.
Thank you,
Suzanne Spisak - 216-973-7793 - [email protected]
Dianna Duncan - 940-445-1125 - [email protected]
Donna's email from October 1, 2023
Fellow Community Outreach Members:
Our Daily Bread is holding OPEN HOUSE this Wednesday October 4, 2023
during their week long "Shelter Your Neighbor Week "
10:00 AM to 2:00 pm at 909 N. Loop 288 Denton
This is the opportunity to visit the facility that is almost a year old and see
how their wraparound services are aiding their guests to take initial steps out of homelessness.
I will be going to Open House after RRWC Board Meeting at Noon.
Please text me if you wish to join me and we will make arrangements.
Thank You …
Donna Gardner
214 585 3555
Fellow Community Outreach Members:
Our Daily Bread is holding OPEN HOUSE this Wednesday October 4, 2023
during their week long "Shelter Your Neighbor Week "
10:00 AM to 2:00 pm at 909 N. Loop 288 Denton
This is the opportunity to visit the facility that is almost a year old and see
how their wraparound services are aiding their guests to take initial steps out of homelessness.
I will be going to Open House after RRWC Board Meeting at Noon.
Please text me if you wish to join me and we will make arrangements.
Thank You …
Donna Gardner
214 585 3555
The Community Outreach Welcome Home program for Our Daily Bread
is having a donation day on September 30th.
Included is a list of requested items some more urgently needed than others.
Also listed are items needed by the ODB facility on highway 288 in Denton.
Items can be dropped off on Saturday September 30th from 8-11.
This is the home of Sherry Eason:
8008 Osprey Lane
Thank You!
is having a donation day on September 30th.
Included is a list of requested items some more urgently needed than others.
Also listed are items needed by the ODB facility on highway 288 in Denton.
Items can be dropped off on Saturday September 30th from 8-11.
This is the home of Sherry Eason:
8008 Osprey Lane
Thank You!

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Our Daily Bread Team
Our Daily Bread Team will attend meeting to provide Community Outreach with overview of current volunteer opportunities /needs; review status /future of Welcome Home Program and overview/accomplishments of Our Daily Bread’s Women’s League.
Friends of the Family
Birthday Boxes; status of Pathfinder Program; Red Elephant Christmas Decorations and Adopt a Family
Denton Community Food Center
Review volunteer opportunities/needs and discuss/suggest other projects
Please contact me with any comments to support our charities.
Thank you for your well wishes as I navigate health issues for my Husband and myself.
See you at Thursday meeting to go through busy last quarter of 2023 for RRWC Charities.
Thank you for All You Do !
Our Daily Bread Team
Our Daily Bread Team will attend meeting to provide Community Outreach with overview of current volunteer opportunities /needs; review status /future of Welcome Home Program and overview/accomplishments of Our Daily Bread’s Women’s League.
Friends of the Family
Birthday Boxes; status of Pathfinder Program; Red Elephant Christmas Decorations and Adopt a Family
Denton Community Food Center
Review volunteer opportunities/needs and discuss/suggest other projects
Please contact me with any comments to support our charities.
Thank you for your well wishes as I navigate health issues for my Husband and myself.
See you at Thursday meeting to go through busy last quarter of 2023 for RRWC Charities.
Thank you for All You Do !
Donna's E-mail from 8-18-23
Fellow Community Outreach Members:
Please join us for September 7th Community Outreach Meeting to review/discuss/choose projects for balance of 2023 to support Our Daily Bread; Friends of the Family and Denton Community Food Center.
September 7, 2023 - 10 am
Clubhouse - Legacy Room
Thank you for All You Do,
Donna Gardner, Chair
214 585 3555
Fellow Community Outreach Members:
Please join us for September 7th Community Outreach Meeting to review/discuss/choose projects for balance of 2023 to support Our Daily Bread; Friends of the Family and Denton Community Food Center.
September 7, 2023 - 10 am
Clubhouse - Legacy Room
Thank you for All You Do,
Donna Gardner, Chair
214 585 3555
Lynn's E-mail from 5-30-23
FOF Pathways is a program that takes children from shelters to a monthly events throughout the year.
- Need volunteers to attend a minimum of 4 outings per year
- Programs start in morning till mid-afternoon – usually Saturdays. All holidays are avoided.
- FOF will send 3-month schedule at a time to volunteers allowing you to respond as available
- You’ll be placed with same 4 children for each event allowing them to see you as a mentor/friend as
someone that remembers their name and something about them.
- Must pass background check and an orientation since these children are from protective shelters
- 30-Orientation held at Robson Ranch. Available dates June 19, 20, 21st
If interested, send me your name and which orientation date works best.
I will notify you of the orientation day/time.
FOF will take it from there.
Lynn Teeling
FOF Pathways is a program that takes children from shelters to a monthly events throughout the year.
- Need volunteers to attend a minimum of 4 outings per year
- Programs start in morning till mid-afternoon – usually Saturdays. All holidays are avoided.
- FOF will send 3-month schedule at a time to volunteers allowing you to respond as available
- You’ll be placed with same 4 children for each event allowing them to see you as a mentor/friend as
someone that remembers their name and something about them.
- Must pass background check and an orientation since these children are from protective shelters
- 30-Orientation held at Robson Ranch. Available dates June 19, 20, 21st
If interested, send me your name and which orientation date works best.
I will notify you of the orientation day/time.
FOF will take it from there.
Lynn Teeling
Lynn's E-mail from 5-30-23
To All
Last month I sent a recap of Donna Gardner's Community Outreach meeting with a list of the upcoming projects and said
I would get back to all of you with more details as the projects begin to rollout.
This email is about the Birthday Boxes for the children of domestic violence that are currently in
protective shelters or in protective transitional housing with Friends of the Family.
Birthday boxes help take the pressure off of moms and make their children feel special on their birthday.
I have included detailed information on what is included in a box and how to participate in this program below.
I am gathering names of those that want to volunteer for this program and will then have a short meeting to show you a sample completed birthday box and pass out already donated items for the boxes.
This is a great way to get your friends and neighbors together to help you shop to fill a birthday box(es)
(average cost is $20 with items from Dollar Tree, etc).
We are setting a deadline of August 1st to have all Birthday Boxes gathered and delivered in time
for August birthdays at the Friends of the Family shelters and transitional housing.
Note: If you don't have time to shop, a cash donation is also accepted and we will shop for you to fill a box.
1. Need are 10 boxes for each age group listed below:
Age Group 1-5 (5 girls; 5 boys)
Age Group 5-10 (5 girls; 5 boys)
Age Group 10-13 (5 girls; 5 boys)
Age Group 13-18 (5 girls; 5 boys)
2. What goes in a Birthday Box:
1 box cake mix, 1 jar frosting, box of sprinkles or a cake topper
2 square foil cake pans, set of cake plates, napkins, cups, forks
Party decor such as bag of balloons, streamers, party horns etc
1 can of Sprite (this is used if the mother does not have eggs or oil as called for on cake box)
1 gift card to help the mom buy pizza or a gift for their child
3. What has already been donated:
40 white boxes labeled by age group and gender
40 cake mixes
40 cans of Sprite
40 gift cards)
I will give you these items to get you started.
You and your team/friends would provide the other items to fill the boxes (approximately cost $20 per box)
Please send me your information so I can set aside the number of boxes you want to fill and your preferred age group/gender.
Or drop a cash donation to have us fill a box for you under my door mat at 12212 Pepperidge Ave.
If the age group/gender does not matter to you, I will assign you to a group once we have all
our volunteers for this program lined up. If you have any questions, let me know.
Also, Friends of the Family will be our charity of the month at the June 5th Women's Club luncheon.
If you want more information about this program, they will be there to answer all questions.
Thanks for all you wonderful ladies do to make life a little easier on these families
who are experiencing living in protective custody due to domestic violence.
Lynn Teeling
To All
Last month I sent a recap of Donna Gardner's Community Outreach meeting with a list of the upcoming projects and said
I would get back to all of you with more details as the projects begin to rollout.
This email is about the Birthday Boxes for the children of domestic violence that are currently in
protective shelters or in protective transitional housing with Friends of the Family.
Birthday boxes help take the pressure off of moms and make their children feel special on their birthday.
I have included detailed information on what is included in a box and how to participate in this program below.
I am gathering names of those that want to volunteer for this program and will then have a short meeting to show you a sample completed birthday box and pass out already donated items for the boxes.
This is a great way to get your friends and neighbors together to help you shop to fill a birthday box(es)
(average cost is $20 with items from Dollar Tree, etc).
We are setting a deadline of August 1st to have all Birthday Boxes gathered and delivered in time
for August birthdays at the Friends of the Family shelters and transitional housing.
Note: If you don't have time to shop, a cash donation is also accepted and we will shop for you to fill a box.
1. Need are 10 boxes for each age group listed below:
Age Group 1-5 (5 girls; 5 boys)
Age Group 5-10 (5 girls; 5 boys)
Age Group 10-13 (5 girls; 5 boys)
Age Group 13-18 (5 girls; 5 boys)
2. What goes in a Birthday Box:
1 box cake mix, 1 jar frosting, box of sprinkles or a cake topper
2 square foil cake pans, set of cake plates, napkins, cups, forks
Party decor such as bag of balloons, streamers, party horns etc
1 can of Sprite (this is used if the mother does not have eggs or oil as called for on cake box)
1 gift card to help the mom buy pizza or a gift for their child
3. What has already been donated:
40 white boxes labeled by age group and gender
40 cake mixes
40 cans of Sprite
40 gift cards)
I will give you these items to get you started.
You and your team/friends would provide the other items to fill the boxes (approximately cost $20 per box)
Please send me your information so I can set aside the number of boxes you want to fill and your preferred age group/gender.
Or drop a cash donation to have us fill a box for you under my door mat at 12212 Pepperidge Ave.
If the age group/gender does not matter to you, I will assign you to a group once we have all
our volunteers for this program lined up. If you have any questions, let me know.
Also, Friends of the Family will be our charity of the month at the June 5th Women's Club luncheon.
If you want more information about this program, they will be there to answer all questions.
Thanks for all you wonderful ladies do to make life a little easier on these families
who are experiencing living in protective custody due to domestic violence.
Lynn Teeling
Lynn's E-mail from 4-15-23
Hi Ladies,
a reminder that this Tuesday, April 25th at 10:00 in the Legacy Room
at the Clubhouse is our Community Outreach Meeting.
See Donna's note from 4-6-23 below for details. See you Tuesday!
Lynn Teeling
Hi Ladies,
a reminder that this Tuesday, April 25th at 10:00 in the Legacy Room
at the Clubhouse is our Community Outreach Meeting.
See Donna's note from 4-6-23 below for details. See you Tuesday!
Lynn Teeling
Lynn's E-mail from 4-15-23
Hi Team,
First of all let me tell you that Donna is in New York. Her mother passed away yesterday.
The funeral is Tuesday and Donna will be returning to Dallas on Wednesday.
Keep her in your prayers and thoughts.
Donna wants me to reach out to all of you to remind you of the Thursday, May 11th Alice in Wonderland Tea Party/Luncheon benefiting Our Daily Bread.
Tables are going fast. We want to show a great turn out of Robson Ranch supporters. Price is $60 per person.
It is a wonderful way to not only support ODB but also a great way to celebrate Mother's Day which is the following weekend.
It is open to all. Invite your daughter, grand daughter, sister, best friend or neighbor.
To make it very easy, several ladies have committed to a table (8 seats to a table). Simply RSVP to this email (use reply instead of reply all) with your name and the name(s) of anyone you would like to bring and we will ensure you get to sit together and we will place you at one of our tables. Don't worry about paying.
The person that has reserved the table will contact you as to when and how to pay.
If you have already purchased a ticket, please let me know and whose table you are sitting at.
I will be the keeper of the list. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thanks to all of you that help make ODB a safe haven for our homeless!
Date: Thursday, May 11th
Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm
Location: Global Spheres Center
Glory of Zion
7801 S. Interstate 35E
Corinth, TX 76210
Visit ODB website for additional information, but do NOT purchase your ticket through the website.
Our Daily Bread
Click Events
Click Women's League Luncheon
View the invitation and directions.
(Note- the Invitation below in a previous e-mail has an error in the website address-
the correct website is
Lynn Teeling
Hi Team,
First of all let me tell you that Donna is in New York. Her mother passed away yesterday.
The funeral is Tuesday and Donna will be returning to Dallas on Wednesday.
Keep her in your prayers and thoughts.
Donna wants me to reach out to all of you to remind you of the Thursday, May 11th Alice in Wonderland Tea Party/Luncheon benefiting Our Daily Bread.
Tables are going fast. We want to show a great turn out of Robson Ranch supporters. Price is $60 per person.
It is a wonderful way to not only support ODB but also a great way to celebrate Mother's Day which is the following weekend.
It is open to all. Invite your daughter, grand daughter, sister, best friend or neighbor.
To make it very easy, several ladies have committed to a table (8 seats to a table). Simply RSVP to this email (use reply instead of reply all) with your name and the name(s) of anyone you would like to bring and we will ensure you get to sit together and we will place you at one of our tables. Don't worry about paying.
The person that has reserved the table will contact you as to when and how to pay.
If you have already purchased a ticket, please let me know and whose table you are sitting at.
I will be the keeper of the list. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thanks to all of you that help make ODB a safe haven for our homeless!
Date: Thursday, May 11th
Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm
Location: Global Spheres Center
Glory of Zion
7801 S. Interstate 35E
Corinth, TX 76210
Visit ODB website for additional information, but do NOT purchase your ticket through the website.
Our Daily Bread
Click Events
Click Women's League Luncheon
View the invitation and directions.
(Note- the Invitation below in a previous e-mail has an error in the website address-
the correct website is
Lynn Teeling
Donna's email from 4-6-23
Happy Spring Community Outreach Volunteers….Welcome New Members
Community Outreach Meeting -
Tuesday April 25th at 10 am - Legacy Room
Key Items:
Last year many of you attended Kentucky Derby luncheon
and RRWC supported four tables.
Happy Spring Community Outreach Volunteers….Welcome New Members
Community Outreach Meeting -
Tuesday April 25th at 10 am - Legacy Room
Key Items:
- Review Community Outreach 2023 projects/events and results to date for each charity
- Our Daily Bread : transitional program update; review volunteer opportunities in new facility and details for ODB Women’s League Alice in Wonderland Tea/Luncheon.
- Denton Community Food Center: discuss fundraising opportunity and volunteer opportunities.
- Friends of the Family : Brittany Jackson, Community Resource Coordinator plans to attend to discuss new and exciting RRWC projects for their clients and overview of Childcare training program and Pathfinder program for volunteers . Overview of S.A.T program results and First Annual S.A.T Awards Ceremony.
- The ODB Women’s League May 4th Tea/Luncheon will be a fun way to raise funds for Our Daily Bread. Please discuss with your friends and advise me if you wish to attend this worthy event.
Last year many of you attended Kentucky Derby luncheon
and RRWC supported four tables.

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- Our Daily Bread Transitional Program Update - Garage Brigade - Sherry Eason
- Please note: Current pallet items needed----- will be collected at meeting :
Lamps. Coffee makers. Queen Mattress Pads. Household tools esp. Hammers.
Toasters. Can Openers
Any questions contact Sherry at 225-773-5431
- Our Daily Bread Volunteer Opportunities
- click on Download File to open and print....

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Our Daily Bread requested names of RRWC volunteers.
Please advise if you volunteered in 2022 and if you are current volunteer.
Please respond to me only if you plan to attend meeting and ODB volunteer status.
Contact me with any questions/suggestions.
Thank you for all you do!
Donna Gardner
214 585 3555
Please advise if you volunteered in 2022 and if you are current volunteer.
Please respond to me only if you plan to attend meeting and ODB volunteer status.
Contact me with any questions/suggestions.
Thank you for all you do!
Donna Gardner
214 585 3555

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Photos from Community Outreach Meeting

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Donna's E-mail
January 25, 2023
Thank you to Community Outreach Ladies who attended meeting on cold gloomy day.
Thank you to Community Outreach members not able to attend meeting who contacted me to keep
them informed of how they can help our charities.
Thanks to Zachary Gentry, Community Resource Coordinator, Friends of the Family and Sarah Trachsel, Volunteer Coordinator, Our Daily Bread for their attendance to provide valuable information to Community Outreach team about their organization and where we can help in their mission.
Please contact me if you are interested/more information for on-site volunteer opportunities at Denton Community Food Center ; Our Daily Bread and new opportunity to provide childcare at Friends of the Family office or shelter while Mothers are receiving support services. Friends of the Family will provide training/service course at Robson Ranch for a group.
I can be reached at 214 585 3555 ( phone or text). Look forward to working with you all in 2023 !
Donna Gardner
Community Outreach
Friends of the Family - Reviewed excellent 2022 results and discussed 2023 RRWC Community Outreach projects. SAT (Survivor Advocacy Team). - RRWC will support this team who are committed resources to help those who are victims of sexual assault and relationship violence. Zachary requested RRWC support April 4, 2023 dinner to acknowledge this dedicated group of volunteers who provides emotional support for the victim and loved ones who accompany them to emergency rooms or or law enforcement agencies.
Community Outreach will sell raffle tickets for GIFT CARD HEART WREATH at February Luncheon.
We need gift cards of your choice for Heart Wreath.
Please contact Donna Gardner at 24 585 3555 and I will pick up your gift card donation or
you can drop off at 8808 Bradford Street.
Thursday, February 2, 2023 is cut off date for Gift Cards.
Thank you for you help to raise Heart funds at February luncheon for great cause and exceptional group of SAT volunteers.
Tickets will be $5 each or 5 for $20.
- Mother’s Day - Community Outreach will collect gift items for Mother’s Day gifts for women who are in protection in shelters. Suggested items: candles; make/make up bags; fuzzy socks; bath bombs; picture frames; light weight scarves; slippers; hair accessories; coffee mugs/take away cups; and fashion jewelry.
- List will be presented at March Luncheon for collection at April meeting.
- Please advise if you would volunteer to help with this project as details need to be worked out..
- Back Pack drive - Fall
- Adopt a Family - December
Our Daily Bread - Reviewed Welcome Home and Special Projects 2022 results.
- February 11, 2023 6:30 pm to 9 pm at Apogee Stadium at Club Level - Our Daily Bread Women's League Boots and Bling Dinner, live auction and fun evening with Dr. Charles Lowery , comedian to celebrate new community shelter. Contact Donna Gardner for ticket information or reserve your spot directly with Alicia Barker at [email protected]. Exciting event to support Our Daily Bread!
- On Site Volunteers - Sarah Trachsel provided overview of volunteer news and answered questions regarding progress at new facility. Please contact me if you want to join a tour and meet with Sarah at new facility to review positions and time slots available. There are evening positions and weekend positions also available. You can go to Volunteer.Now for information.
- Garage Brigade - Sherry Eason ( 225-773-5431) and Lynn Teeling (214-564-1407) will manage pallet process for Welcome Home. Please contact Sherry if you wish to be included in Garage Brigade. Items are still stored at Sun Belt Storage, Route 407, since there is no room at new facility to house the pallet items.
- Welcome Home Donations Needed: Thank you for your help to provide pallets for the next 18 clients ready to move to independent living .
Donna's E-mail- January 9, 2023
Happy New Year Community Outreach Volunteers….
Community Outreach Meeting - Tuesday, January 24, 2023 - Clubhouse, Patriot Room
Community Outreach has an amazing reputation in Denton Community and I am proud to chair this group in 2023. Look forward to seeing you to develop footprint for 2023 RRWC charities.
Any questions , please contact me.
Donna Gardner
214 585 3555
If you can not attend meeting and you volunteer at ODB or DCFC,
please email me with your volunteer information….
Happy New Year Community Outreach Volunteers….
Community Outreach Meeting - Tuesday, January 24, 2023 - Clubhouse, Patriot Room
- Review Community Outreach 2022 awesome results for each charity
- Our Daily Bread : transitional program update; review volunteer opportunities in new facility and
- overview of ODB Women’s League fundraising 2023 events
- Denton Community Food Center: discuss fundraising opportunity and volunteer opportunities
- Friends of the Family : Zackary Gentry, Community Resource Coordinator plans to attend to discuss new and exciting RRWC projects for their clients and overview of Childcare training program for volunteers.
Community Outreach has an amazing reputation in Denton Community and I am proud to chair this group in 2023. Look forward to seeing you to develop footprint for 2023 RRWC charities.
Any questions , please contact me.
Donna Gardner
214 585 3555
If you can not attend meeting and you volunteer at ODB or DCFC,
please email me with your volunteer information….