Nanci's e-mail from 12-6-20
Generous volunteers.....
Once again, you exceeded all expectations,
this time by adopting 58 children for the Friends of the Family Adopt-a-Family program.
And, you did it in record time, receiving your child’s Wish List the day before Thanksgiving
and nine days later we delivered all the gifts to Friends of the Family.
Thank you to Julie Eaton and Donna Gardner for creating our caravan to deliver the gifts.
And, thank you for those who donated monies for others to use for shopping.
In the end, 48 of you Community Relations members and several Board members,
together with 32 of your friends adopted 58 children.
That compares to 24 children last year. We also received 12 generic Mom gifts.
Jan Utzman, with her usual big-hearted leader spirit, organized 27 of her local sorority sisters,
book club members and other Robson Ranch girlfriends. Together they adopted 20 older children.
In total we adopted 30 older children, 13-18 year olds.
For this age group, gift cards were requested, with Old Navy, Game Stop, Walmart and Target being most popular.
I know the rest of you enjoyed shopping for the 28 younger children.
As you dropped off your gifts, I saw clothes, rain boots, gloves, winter coats, books, games,
dinosaurs, dolls, arts, crafts, soccer balls, legos, writing notebook and pens, a skateboard,
a Spider-Man comforter set and for some patient mother, a karaoke microphone!
During this season of giving, in a year like no other, for children living with domestic violence, I know you share my gratitude for being in a position to bring some hope and happiness to these deserving children.
I wish all of you and your families a joyous and healthy holiday season, as we anxiously await 2021!
And, I look forward to all the good works we’ll embrace as a Robson Ranch Women’s Club committee in the new year. Please stay safe.
Generous volunteers.....
Once again, you exceeded all expectations,
this time by adopting 58 children for the Friends of the Family Adopt-a-Family program.
And, you did it in record time, receiving your child’s Wish List the day before Thanksgiving
and nine days later we delivered all the gifts to Friends of the Family.
Thank you to Julie Eaton and Donna Gardner for creating our caravan to deliver the gifts.
And, thank you for those who donated monies for others to use for shopping.
In the end, 48 of you Community Relations members and several Board members,
together with 32 of your friends adopted 58 children.
That compares to 24 children last year. We also received 12 generic Mom gifts.
Jan Utzman, with her usual big-hearted leader spirit, organized 27 of her local sorority sisters,
book club members and other Robson Ranch girlfriends. Together they adopted 20 older children.
In total we adopted 30 older children, 13-18 year olds.
For this age group, gift cards were requested, with Old Navy, Game Stop, Walmart and Target being most popular.
I know the rest of you enjoyed shopping for the 28 younger children.
As you dropped off your gifts, I saw clothes, rain boots, gloves, winter coats, books, games,
dinosaurs, dolls, arts, crafts, soccer balls, legos, writing notebook and pens, a skateboard,
a Spider-Man comforter set and for some patient mother, a karaoke microphone!
During this season of giving, in a year like no other, for children living with domestic violence, I know you share my gratitude for being in a position to bring some hope and happiness to these deserving children.
I wish all of you and your families a joyous and healthy holiday season, as we anxiously await 2021!
And, I look forward to all the good works we’ll embrace as a Robson Ranch Women’s Club committee in the new year. Please stay safe.
Nanci's e-mail from 11-30-20
Good chilly Monday morning......
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend.
Our Adopt a Family initiative is well underway, with 48 of you committee members and several Board members, together with 32 of your friends adopting 57 children!!!
That compares to 24 children and three Moms we adopted last year.
You all should be so pleased and proud of your generosity.
Jan Utzman, with her usual big-hearted leader spirit, organized 27 of her friends, including local sorority sisters and book club members. Together they adopted 20 older boys and girls.
All gifts are due back to me by 3:00 Friday afternoon, which is when I will leave to take everything to FoftheF.
Gifts may be dropped off at 8500 Sterling Drive Thursday 10:00-5:00 or Friday noon-3:00.
I will also need some volunteers with a SUV to help caravan the gifts.
Please let me know if you can help.
Next Monday is our Women’s Club luncheon.
Donalee Hallenbeck and I are working on a year-end report of our charity activities for Gayle.
While many of you report your activities to Donalee monthly when she asks,
others of you tend to minimize your contributions and don’t report.
I ask that you pour another cup of coffee, sit down and tally all you’ve done......things like
1) going through your husband’s closet to gather donations for our men’s clothing drive
for Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King in June
2) buying school supplies and creating fully completed backpacks for
Friends of the Family Backpack Back to School Drive in July/August
3) ongoing effort of making detergent bottles for clients of Our Daily Bread
(yes, some of you have made hundreds of these bottles)
4) regular shopping for miscellaneous items needed by Denton Community Food Center
and ODB and delivering them to me
5) time spent on our current Adopt a Family initiative
6) collecting plastic shopping bags and delivering to me
7) the all important, volunteering on site at ODB and DCFC.
Early in the year Donalee Hallenbeck, service chair, offered to create and keep
a spreadsheet of our hours spent on behalf of our charities.
The year-end report will consolidate totals, but not include individual tallies.
Please send your tally of items, by category, to Donalee by noon on Wednesday.
We’re looking forward to seeing the totals of all our activities.
In this year of Covid-19, when everything seemed to shut down, you ladies persevered and found ways to continually support those who are most vulnerable in our Denton community. Well done!
For those of you who like to include a few items with your regular shopping trips, the current needs include:
fruit and vegetable pouches and juices for toddler packs,
heat and serve items (spaghetti Os),
Vienna sausages,
protein snacks,
plastic sandwich bags,
3 compartment take out containers (Sam’s),
travel size hygiene items.
And of course, they always need plastic grocery bags.
Any of these items may be delivered to my front porch.
I look forward to seeing you later this week when you drop off your Adopt a Family gifts.
Good chilly Monday morning......
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend.
Our Adopt a Family initiative is well underway, with 48 of you committee members and several Board members, together with 32 of your friends adopting 57 children!!!
That compares to 24 children and three Moms we adopted last year.
You all should be so pleased and proud of your generosity.
Jan Utzman, with her usual big-hearted leader spirit, organized 27 of her friends, including local sorority sisters and book club members. Together they adopted 20 older boys and girls.
All gifts are due back to me by 3:00 Friday afternoon, which is when I will leave to take everything to FoftheF.
Gifts may be dropped off at 8500 Sterling Drive Thursday 10:00-5:00 or Friday noon-3:00.
I will also need some volunteers with a SUV to help caravan the gifts.
Please let me know if you can help.
Next Monday is our Women’s Club luncheon.
Donalee Hallenbeck and I are working on a year-end report of our charity activities for Gayle.
While many of you report your activities to Donalee monthly when she asks,
others of you tend to minimize your contributions and don’t report.
I ask that you pour another cup of coffee, sit down and tally all you’ve done......things like
1) going through your husband’s closet to gather donations for our men’s clothing drive
for Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King in June
2) buying school supplies and creating fully completed backpacks for
Friends of the Family Backpack Back to School Drive in July/August
3) ongoing effort of making detergent bottles for clients of Our Daily Bread
(yes, some of you have made hundreds of these bottles)
4) regular shopping for miscellaneous items needed by Denton Community Food Center
and ODB and delivering them to me
5) time spent on our current Adopt a Family initiative
6) collecting plastic shopping bags and delivering to me
7) the all important, volunteering on site at ODB and DCFC.
Early in the year Donalee Hallenbeck, service chair, offered to create and keep
a spreadsheet of our hours spent on behalf of our charities.
The year-end report will consolidate totals, but not include individual tallies.
Please send your tally of items, by category, to Donalee by noon on Wednesday.
We’re looking forward to seeing the totals of all our activities.
In this year of Covid-19, when everything seemed to shut down, you ladies persevered and found ways to continually support those who are most vulnerable in our Denton community. Well done!
For those of you who like to include a few items with your regular shopping trips, the current needs include:
fruit and vegetable pouches and juices for toddler packs,
heat and serve items (spaghetti Os),
Vienna sausages,
protein snacks,
plastic sandwich bags,
3 compartment take out containers (Sam’s),
travel size hygiene items.
And of course, they always need plastic grocery bags.
Any of these items may be delivered to my front porch.
I look forward to seeing you later this week when you drop off your Adopt a Family gifts.
The Community Relations committee members are gearing up for the
annual Friends of the Family "Adopt a Family" initiative.
Friends of the Family will provide the children's "wish list" and the committee will coordinate the donations.
These children are currently participating in the Friends of the Family programs
and the the donated gifts will help make their holidays a little brighter this year!
Watch for more details as we get closer.
annual Friends of the Family "Adopt a Family" initiative.
Friends of the Family will provide the children's "wish list" and the committee will coordinate the donations.
These children are currently participating in the Friends of the Family programs
and the the donated gifts will help make their holidays a little brighter this year!
Watch for more details as we get closer.
Fall Charity Update from e-mail on September 25, 2020
Fellow volunteers,
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying our glorious Fall temperatures.
This email will cover three broad categories of information 1) upcoming charitable donation opportunities
2) upcoming volunteer opportunities and 3) upcoming ‘pick up a few items at the store’ opportunities.
Financial contributions....
As you’ve read in Gayle’s president’s newsletter, we are not having a holiday market this year as a fundraiser for
Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King Outreach Center.
Instead, Nancy Garre and the ways and means committee are organizing
a go fund me campaign, Holiday Helping Hands, beginning October 12.
If these are your charities of choice, now called The Junction, making a donation through this
RRWC campaign is a great way to show your support.
Watch for more information from Gayle and Nancy.
Friends of the Family is having a virtual fundraising gala on Thursday evening October 8 at 6:30,
which includes a Chef Mark prepared dinner for 2 and a bottle of wine delivered to your home.
Learn more on their website. Deadline for signing up is Friday October 2nd.
Denton Community Food Center does not have any specific fundraising events.
Instead, they are hopeful for donations every day. Two weeks ago they served 157 families, a record.
Then last Wednesday, they hit a new high with 217 families.
Donations may be made through their website or by check.
Each $1 donated buys $6-7 worth of food at the Tarrant Food Bank.
DCFC and particularly ODB are looking for new volunteers. If interested in ODB, Sandy Conwell would be happy to share her experiences (940.262.3580). For DCFC, contact Karen Brannon (940.262.0085) or Honee Berlin (972.880.2028).
Also, ODB now needs some ‘women power’ to help with laundry bottles. Jo Leenhoutes has a few hundred already labeled empty water bottles and big bottles of detergent, all of which have been quarantining in her garage all summer. She now needs women willing to pick up the supplies and do the work, returning them to her garage on Lockhart Court. Let me know if you can help. Without spending a dime, you can do this from the comfort of your home!
Picking up a few items at the store...
If occasionally picking up a few items while you’re shopping for yourself is your preferred way to help,
following are their current needs:
Vienna sausages, protein snacks, canned tuna, large jars of mayonnaise, sandwich bags that close, not the fold overs, and hygiene items. ODB does NOT need empty water bottles at this time.
canned tuna or chicken, any heat and serve items (Spaghetti Os),
and pouches of food for infants.
And, as always both organizations can always use your plastic shopping bags.
All these items may be dropped off at 8500 Sterling Dr. and I’ll make sure they get to the charity.
If you think of it, please put your name on the items you leave, so I know who to thank.
And, if you ever want a tax receipt, let me know.
I’m sure you are all like me, anxious to see friends and be much more social.
That day will come, but for now.....please stay safe and healthy.
I have a very special gift for you, when we are finally able to have a committee meeting!!
Hope to see you at the RRWC drive-by on Monday October 5th!
Fellow volunteers,
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying our glorious Fall temperatures.
This email will cover three broad categories of information 1) upcoming charitable donation opportunities
2) upcoming volunteer opportunities and 3) upcoming ‘pick up a few items at the store’ opportunities.
Financial contributions....
As you’ve read in Gayle’s president’s newsletter, we are not having a holiday market this year as a fundraiser for
Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King Outreach Center.
Instead, Nancy Garre and the ways and means committee are organizing
a go fund me campaign, Holiday Helping Hands, beginning October 12.
If these are your charities of choice, now called The Junction, making a donation through this
RRWC campaign is a great way to show your support.
Watch for more information from Gayle and Nancy.
Friends of the Family is having a virtual fundraising gala on Thursday evening October 8 at 6:30,
which includes a Chef Mark prepared dinner for 2 and a bottle of wine delivered to your home.
Learn more on their website. Deadline for signing up is Friday October 2nd.
Denton Community Food Center does not have any specific fundraising events.
Instead, they are hopeful for donations every day. Two weeks ago they served 157 families, a record.
Then last Wednesday, they hit a new high with 217 families.
Donations may be made through their website or by check.
Each $1 donated buys $6-7 worth of food at the Tarrant Food Bank.
DCFC and particularly ODB are looking for new volunteers. If interested in ODB, Sandy Conwell would be happy to share her experiences (940.262.3580). For DCFC, contact Karen Brannon (940.262.0085) or Honee Berlin (972.880.2028).
Also, ODB now needs some ‘women power’ to help with laundry bottles. Jo Leenhoutes has a few hundred already labeled empty water bottles and big bottles of detergent, all of which have been quarantining in her garage all summer. She now needs women willing to pick up the supplies and do the work, returning them to her garage on Lockhart Court. Let me know if you can help. Without spending a dime, you can do this from the comfort of your home!
Picking up a few items at the store...
If occasionally picking up a few items while you’re shopping for yourself is your preferred way to help,
following are their current needs:
Vienna sausages, protein snacks, canned tuna, large jars of mayonnaise, sandwich bags that close, not the fold overs, and hygiene items. ODB does NOT need empty water bottles at this time.
canned tuna or chicken, any heat and serve items (Spaghetti Os),
and pouches of food for infants.
And, as always both organizations can always use your plastic shopping bags.
All these items may be dropped off at 8500 Sterling Dr. and I’ll make sure they get to the charity.
If you think of it, please put your name on the items you leave, so I know who to thank.
And, if you ever want a tax receipt, let me know.
I’m sure you are all like me, anxious to see friends and be much more social.
That day will come, but for now.....please stay safe and healthy.
I have a very special gift for you, when we are finally able to have a committee meeting!!
Hope to see you at the RRWC drive-by on Monday October 5th!
Posted from the August 19, 2020 e-mail...
Fellow volunteers,
196 was the final number of fully completed backpacks Robson Ranch residents donated
to the children serviced by Denton County Friends of the Family.
85 were donated by Women’s Club members and other residents and 111 were made
by Community Relations women from donated funds.
In the end, we had $13.91 leftover to donate to FoftheF!!!
A very special thank you to Linda Svoboda, Lisa Olson and Lucille Zimmerman for all their help
in buying for and compiling the backpacks.
And just three short months we’ll be organizing Adopt-a-Family for Friends of the Family,
so be thinking of who you’ll partner with for this worthwhile holiday event.
Monsignor King is now starting to move a limited number of clients back into the outreach center.
The dinner meal will still be provided by Our Daily Bread.
Soon, we will have the opportunity to be one of 4-5 volunteers serving dinner to the 30 residents.
This is also a good couple volunteer activity. We’ll share more information, as we receive it.
Denton Community Food Center is seeking volunteers for Wednesdays from 8:00-11:00.
If you’d like to learn more, you may contact Karen Brannon at 940.262.0085,
as Karen has been volunteering there throughout the pandemic.
In terms of their needs, they remain the same ....monetary donations to their website
or canned tuna, canned chicken, spaghetti Os, and baby food in pouches.
Our Daily Bread is also seeking volunteers for a variety of roles, a list of which are on their website,
complete with job descriptions. Sandy Conwell has been volunteering there for longer than I can remember.
I’m confident she’d enjoy talking to you about her experiences, 940.262.3580.
Their current needs are large jars of mayonnaise, Vienna sausages, trail mix or nuts,
dry brown gravy mix, non-perishable protein, deodorant, razors, sun screen
and bug repellent, particularly the bracelets.
Both organizations need plastic bags...always.
All of these items may be left at 8500 Sterling Drive and I’ll organize transportation.
Hope you’re enjoying these dog days of summer.
We’re all ready to break free!
But alas, we’ve come this far being safe, wearing our masks and keeping our distance.....can’t relax just yet.
Please take care.....
Fellow volunteers,
196 was the final number of fully completed backpacks Robson Ranch residents donated
to the children serviced by Denton County Friends of the Family.
85 were donated by Women’s Club members and other residents and 111 were made
by Community Relations women from donated funds.
In the end, we had $13.91 leftover to donate to FoftheF!!!
A very special thank you to Linda Svoboda, Lisa Olson and Lucille Zimmerman for all their help
in buying for and compiling the backpacks.
And just three short months we’ll be organizing Adopt-a-Family for Friends of the Family,
so be thinking of who you’ll partner with for this worthwhile holiday event.
Monsignor King is now starting to move a limited number of clients back into the outreach center.
The dinner meal will still be provided by Our Daily Bread.
Soon, we will have the opportunity to be one of 4-5 volunteers serving dinner to the 30 residents.
This is also a good couple volunteer activity. We’ll share more information, as we receive it.
Denton Community Food Center is seeking volunteers for Wednesdays from 8:00-11:00.
If you’d like to learn more, you may contact Karen Brannon at 940.262.0085,
as Karen has been volunteering there throughout the pandemic.
In terms of their needs, they remain the same ....monetary donations to their website
or canned tuna, canned chicken, spaghetti Os, and baby food in pouches.
Our Daily Bread is also seeking volunteers for a variety of roles, a list of which are on their website,
complete with job descriptions. Sandy Conwell has been volunteering there for longer than I can remember.
I’m confident she’d enjoy talking to you about her experiences, 940.262.3580.
Their current needs are large jars of mayonnaise, Vienna sausages, trail mix or nuts,
dry brown gravy mix, non-perishable protein, deodorant, razors, sun screen
and bug repellent, particularly the bracelets.
Both organizations need plastic bags...always.
All of these items may be left at 8500 Sterling Drive and I’ll organize transportation.
Hope you’re enjoying these dog days of summer.
We’re all ready to break free!
But alas, we’ve come this far being safe, wearing our masks and keeping our distance.....can’t relax just yet.
Please take care.....
Posted from e-mail on August 6, 2020
Fellow volunteers,
Thank you again for all you’ve done to make the 2020 Friends of the Family Back to School Backpack Drive
such a success, 156 backpacks!
We’ll find out Monday, August 10th, whether we’ll need to make more or
simply write them a check for the remaining monies.
Either way, it’s time to shift gears back to Denton Community Food Center, Our Daily Bread, and Monsignor King.
All three are now recruiting new volunteers:
DCFC needs volunteers for Wednesday mornings from 8:00 to 11:00.
Contact Dallas Newell via their website.
OBD needs volunteers for all shifts.
Contact Alva Santos via their website.
Monsignor King is starting to move a limited number of clients back to the Outreach Center.
With that, they will need volunteers (can be couples) to serve dinner (prepared by ODB).
Contact their volunteer coordinator, Terri Reeves, via their website.
How else might you help?
The next time you order or buy food items, if you can include a needed item or two,
it would be much appreciated.
Vienna sausages, trail mix, Miracle Whip, low sugar snacks, fruit cups, gallon jugs of juice,
sandwich bags, large packages American cheese slices
Canned chicken, canned tuna, canned pasta (spaghetti Os), small cans of fruit, crackers, toddler squeeze pouches.
OBD and DCFC both always need plastic bags.
Any of the above items may be left on my porch, 8500 Sterling Drive.
We have volunteers going to the charities several times a week.
Watch for Gayle’s upcoming President’s newsletter where she’ll share exciting news about
what we discussed and decided at today’s RRWC Board Meeting!
As always, call or text with any questions.
Fellow volunteers,
Thank you again for all you’ve done to make the 2020 Friends of the Family Back to School Backpack Drive
such a success, 156 backpacks!
We’ll find out Monday, August 10th, whether we’ll need to make more or
simply write them a check for the remaining monies.
Either way, it’s time to shift gears back to Denton Community Food Center, Our Daily Bread, and Monsignor King.
All three are now recruiting new volunteers:
DCFC needs volunteers for Wednesday mornings from 8:00 to 11:00.
Contact Dallas Newell via their website.
OBD needs volunteers for all shifts.
Contact Alva Santos via their website.
Monsignor King is starting to move a limited number of clients back to the Outreach Center.
With that, they will need volunteers (can be couples) to serve dinner (prepared by ODB).
Contact their volunteer coordinator, Terri Reeves, via their website.
How else might you help?
The next time you order or buy food items, if you can include a needed item or two,
it would be much appreciated.
Vienna sausages, trail mix, Miracle Whip, low sugar snacks, fruit cups, gallon jugs of juice,
sandwich bags, large packages American cheese slices
Canned chicken, canned tuna, canned pasta (spaghetti Os), small cans of fruit, crackers, toddler squeeze pouches.
OBD and DCFC both always need plastic bags.
Any of the above items may be left on my porch, 8500 Sterling Drive.
We have volunteers going to the charities several times a week.
Watch for Gayle’s upcoming President’s newsletter where she’ll share exciting news about
what we discussed and decided at today’s RRWC Board Meeting!
As always, call or text with any questions.
Posted from Gayle's Newsletter on August 9, 2020...
Annual Backpack and School Supplies
Drive Was a Great Success!
We are Happy to Announce
156 Completed Backpacks Were Donated!
We were also gifted with monetary donations.
The drive concluded Friday, August 7, and Friends of the Family will let us know
if they need more completed backpacks or prefer a direct donation.
I also want to recognize that this year, residents from around Robson Ranch,
beyond the Women’s Club (E.g. neighborhood groups, bridge clubs, game groups,
book clubs, sports groups, craft groups, etc.),
also got involved and contributed to the success of this wonderful drive.
"Thank you" to the 16 volunteers who assisted during the backpack drop-off, Wednesday, July 29.
Everyone had a great time while collecting backpacks and loading them into the van.
I also want to recognize Jack Odom and Scott Olson.
They were instrumental with their supportive "behind the scenes" efforts ranging
from graphics design, tent set-up, errand running and
other critical efforts that contributed to the morning's success.
Thank you all for your kindness and generosity.
Your gift will help the children begin their school year
with a new backpack and a new smile!
Drive Was a Great Success!
We are Happy to Announce
156 Completed Backpacks Were Donated!
We were also gifted with monetary donations.
The drive concluded Friday, August 7, and Friends of the Family will let us know
if they need more completed backpacks or prefer a direct donation.
I also want to recognize that this year, residents from around Robson Ranch,
beyond the Women’s Club (E.g. neighborhood groups, bridge clubs, game groups,
book clubs, sports groups, craft groups, etc.),
also got involved and contributed to the success of this wonderful drive.
"Thank you" to the 16 volunteers who assisted during the backpack drop-off, Wednesday, July 29.
Everyone had a great time while collecting backpacks and loading them into the van.
I also want to recognize Jack Odom and Scott Olson.
They were instrumental with their supportive "behind the scenes" efforts ranging
from graphics design, tent set-up, errand running and
other critical efforts that contributed to the morning's success.
Thank you all for your kindness and generosity.
Your gift will help the children begin their school year
with a new backpack and a new smile!
Posted from 7-31-20 email....
Fellow volunteers.....
The rain stopped, the clouds stayed and it was a wonderful morning of gathering backpacks and seeing friends,
all while social distancing and wearing masks, of course!
At 11:00, Stephanie Honeycutt from Friends of the Family drove off with their van filled to the top.
Inside were 156 backpacks, 88 for K-5 and 68 for Middle/High School.
85 of those fully completed backpacks were from you and other RR residents and
71 were made by the CR Committee from donated monies.
Friends of the Family will have all the backpacks from all Denton County sources by next Friday and by Monday, August 10 will know if they need more and if so, what kind.
If they do, we still have money left to buy more supplies.
If they don’t, the remaining monies will be donated to them.
Stephanie and her colleagues at Friends of the Family were over the moon
with excitement and appreciation for what the Robson Ranch Women’s Club accomplished,
particularly this year when their needs are greater and resources fewer!
A huge shout out to all who and making your own backpacks,
contributing money so we could make them for you, and/or gathering backpacks
on Wednesday (Lisa O, LaDonna, Sandy, Diane E, Gayle, Lucille, Linda V, Joyce F, Joyce A,
Donna D, Angela, Karen, Julie, Charlotte, Lucy D, Joan and taking pictures, Sharon!)
And this year, residents from around RR, beyond the Women’s Club, got involved,
both donating money and making backpacks....a real community effort during a very challenging time
and all for an extremely worthy cause, children living in difficult situations.
And just think, in four short months we’ll be starting our Adopt a Family initiative with Friends of the Family!!
In the meantime, be well and stay safe.
Fellow volunteers.....
The rain stopped, the clouds stayed and it was a wonderful morning of gathering backpacks and seeing friends,
all while social distancing and wearing masks, of course!
At 11:00, Stephanie Honeycutt from Friends of the Family drove off with their van filled to the top.
Inside were 156 backpacks, 88 for K-5 and 68 for Middle/High School.
85 of those fully completed backpacks were from you and other RR residents and
71 were made by the CR Committee from donated monies.
Friends of the Family will have all the backpacks from all Denton County sources by next Friday and by Monday, August 10 will know if they need more and if so, what kind.
If they do, we still have money left to buy more supplies.
If they don’t, the remaining monies will be donated to them.
Stephanie and her colleagues at Friends of the Family were over the moon
with excitement and appreciation for what the Robson Ranch Women’s Club accomplished,
particularly this year when their needs are greater and resources fewer!
A huge shout out to all who and making your own backpacks,
contributing money so we could make them for you, and/or gathering backpacks
on Wednesday (Lisa O, LaDonna, Sandy, Diane E, Gayle, Lucille, Linda V, Joyce F, Joyce A,
Donna D, Angela, Karen, Julie, Charlotte, Lucy D, Joan and taking pictures, Sharon!)
And this year, residents from around RR, beyond the Women’s Club, got involved,
both donating money and making backpacks....a real community effort during a very challenging time
and all for an extremely worthy cause, children living in difficult situations.
And just think, in four short months we’ll be starting our Adopt a Family initiative with Friends of the Family!!
In the meantime, be well and stay safe.
Posted from July 28th e-mail!!!
As you can see from the pictures of almost 100 backpacks,once again Robson Ranch residents
have come through in a big way! These are the 71 backpacks Linda Svoboda, Lisa Olson, Lucille Zimmerman and I put together with donated monies, plus several completed backpacks that have been dropped off already. We’re hopeful for a big turnout tomorrow, as well! Friends of the Family is so excited by what we’ve done so far. In a year when their need has increased from 400 to 500 backpacks, many of the other clubs and volunteer groups are not in a position to help. So, what we’ve done is even more important than ever! Nanci |
POSTED from e-mail on 7-24-20
Denton Community Food Center is ready for new volunteers!
Lately, they have been serving up to 125 families a day, which compares to 25-30 families before the pandemic.
They are open to serve the public Monday and Wednesday 9:00-11:00 am.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact our very own
Karen Brannon,who volunteers there every Wednesday.
Her phone number is 940.262.0085.
And one last thing...
Both DCFC and ODB can still use food donations (list on their respective websites) and your plastic bags,
but no laundry soap until mid October.
You may leave your items at 8500 Sterling Drive.
Denton Community Food Center is ready for new volunteers!
Lately, they have been serving up to 125 families a day, which compares to 25-30 families before the pandemic.
They are open to serve the public Monday and Wednesday 9:00-11:00 am.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact our very own
Karen Brannon,who volunteers there every Wednesday.
Her phone number is 940.262.0085.
And one last thing...
Both DCFC and ODB can still use food donations (list on their respective websites) and your plastic bags,
but no laundry soap until mid October.
You may leave your items at 8500 Sterling Drive.

2020_back_to_school_supplies_pdf.pdf | |
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Posted from e-mail- July 7, 2020
Fellow volunteers.....
Hope everyone had a good 4th of July, albeit different than all the rest, as we celebrated our wonderful country.
Believe it or not, it’s now time for the RR Women’s Club’s Back to School Drive for Denton County Friends of the Family.
Last year, F of the Family needed to fill 400 backpacks for their clients’ children. This year, it’s 500!!
Unfortunately and not surprising, stay-at-home meant an increase in domestic violence and new clients for FoftheFamily.
The 500 filled backpacks will come from all sources in Denton County, not just RRWC.
In year’s past, we asked WC members to donate whatever school supplies they wished and then a posse of Community Relations members
gathered to take the bits and pieces and make them into completed backpacks ready for a child.
That process, which looked like a group of women playing Twister, is not possible this year.
Instead, we are asking you and your friends to turn in FULLY COMPLETED BACKPACKS
at a drive-through drop off location in the Clubhouse parking lot on
Wednesday, July 29th from 9:00 to 11:00am.
FoftheF’s deadline is obviously before our August WC meeting.
Below are two lists 1) Elementary and 2) Middle/High School.
How you compile your FULLY COMPLETED BACKPACK is obviously up to you....
work by yourself or join forces with a few girlfriends, and shop together online or send a scout into the retail world!
Or, if you’re not going out these days and don’t shop online,
you can send me a check made to Cash by July 22
and I’ll do the shopping for you (with a few helpers, I hope).
Gayle, Lucille and I have all started putting together our backpacks and with careful shopping have been able to do it for $50ish per backpack.
Shopping with friends is helpful, so you can buy multi-packs at good prices and share.
Amazon has nice backpacks for $7.99 (picture below).
They also have dual powered calculators for $3.91, Helix protractor/compass set for $4.99, clear top pencil bags (Set of 5) for $7.59
and 5” pointed scissors for $1.88. Obviously, we were shopping for high school age.
Dollar Tree, Target and Walmart also have good prices.
Since the need is so great this year, please consider going beyond the WC to get others involved....
Lucille has received a donation from the RR Woodworkers Club to shop with, Gayle has reached out to a book club and neighborhood group.
In doing so, please make sure they understand we need FULLY COMPLETED BACKPACKS.
Once backpacks are completed, please label/tag them on the outside as 1) Elem Girl 2) Elem Boy 3) HS Girl or 4) HS Boy.
If you’re going to be away on Wednesday, July 29,
you may drop your backpacks off at my house 8500 Sterling Drive.
That is also the address to send or bring your check/cash, if you want me to shop for you.
These children have been through so much.
May we bring a little sunshine into their lives, with an awesome backpack filled with all the supplies they need to start a new school year!
On a totally different subject....we Do Not need any detergent bottles for ODB until well into the Fall.
We did such a great job, they’ve totally run out of storage for more!
As always, please call or text with any questions....
Fellow volunteers.....
Hope everyone had a good 4th of July, albeit different than all the rest, as we celebrated our wonderful country.
Believe it or not, it’s now time for the RR Women’s Club’s Back to School Drive for Denton County Friends of the Family.
Last year, F of the Family needed to fill 400 backpacks for their clients’ children. This year, it’s 500!!
Unfortunately and not surprising, stay-at-home meant an increase in domestic violence and new clients for FoftheFamily.
The 500 filled backpacks will come from all sources in Denton County, not just RRWC.
In year’s past, we asked WC members to donate whatever school supplies they wished and then a posse of Community Relations members
gathered to take the bits and pieces and make them into completed backpacks ready for a child.
That process, which looked like a group of women playing Twister, is not possible this year.
Instead, we are asking you and your friends to turn in FULLY COMPLETED BACKPACKS
at a drive-through drop off location in the Clubhouse parking lot on
Wednesday, July 29th from 9:00 to 11:00am.
FoftheF’s deadline is obviously before our August WC meeting.
Below are two lists 1) Elementary and 2) Middle/High School.
How you compile your FULLY COMPLETED BACKPACK is obviously up to you....
work by yourself or join forces with a few girlfriends, and shop together online or send a scout into the retail world!
Or, if you’re not going out these days and don’t shop online,
you can send me a check made to Cash by July 22
and I’ll do the shopping for you (with a few helpers, I hope).
Gayle, Lucille and I have all started putting together our backpacks and with careful shopping have been able to do it for $50ish per backpack.
Shopping with friends is helpful, so you can buy multi-packs at good prices and share.
Amazon has nice backpacks for $7.99 (picture below).
They also have dual powered calculators for $3.91, Helix protractor/compass set for $4.99, clear top pencil bags (Set of 5) for $7.59
and 5” pointed scissors for $1.88. Obviously, we were shopping for high school age.
Dollar Tree, Target and Walmart also have good prices.
Since the need is so great this year, please consider going beyond the WC to get others involved....
Lucille has received a donation from the RR Woodworkers Club to shop with, Gayle has reached out to a book club and neighborhood group.
In doing so, please make sure they understand we need FULLY COMPLETED BACKPACKS.
Once backpacks are completed, please label/tag them on the outside as 1) Elem Girl 2) Elem Boy 3) HS Girl or 4) HS Boy.
If you’re going to be away on Wednesday, July 29,
you may drop your backpacks off at my house 8500 Sterling Drive.
That is also the address to send or bring your check/cash, if you want me to shop for you.
These children have been through so much.
May we bring a little sunshine into their lives, with an awesome backpack filled with all the supplies they need to start a new school year!
On a totally different subject....we Do Not need any detergent bottles for ODB until well into the Fall.
We did such a great job, they’ve totally run out of storage for more!
As always, please call or text with any questions....
Posted from the Newsletter from Sunday, June 7, 2020
We are all disappointed by the cancellation of the July Women’s Club luncheon and the Home and Garden Show.
Understandably, our charities are disappointed as well.
This is the fourth month the Denton Community Food Center and Friends of the Family have missed
attending our luncheons and benefitting from our financial donations.
As we all know, the Home and Garden Show is always a major fundraiser for
Our Daily Bread and the Monsignor King Outreach Center.
But wait! There is still an opportunity for you to help!
Financial donations can be made at each of the charity’s website or by mail.
Please see their contact information below.
If you prefer, pick up a few of their requested items below the next time you are at the store.
You are welcome to drop them off on the porch at 8500 Sterling Drive and we will deliver them for you!
Denton Community Food Center
(community food pantry)
Mail: 306 N Loop 288, Ste. 400
Denton, TX 76209
Denton County Friends of the Family
(assistance for victims of domestic violence)
Mail: 4845 S Interstate I-35
Ste. 200
Corinth, TX 76210
Our Daily Bread
(variety of social services,
including breakfast and lunch 6 days/week)
Mail: 300 W. Oak Street
Denton, TX 76201
Monsignor King Outreach Center
(homeless shelter)
Mail: P. O. Box 718
Denton 76202
If you make a financial donation, please indicate you are a member of the
Robson Ranch Women’s Club.
Requested items include:
- Canned chicken
- Tuna
- Vienna Sausages
- Soup
- “Heat and Serve” items (Spaghetti-O’s)
- Cereal (regular and family size)
- Boxed juices
- Bottled water
- Ranch dressing (large)
- Fruit cups
- Single serve snacks
(nuts, peanut butter crackers)
- Hygiene items (deodorant, sunscreen, razors)
- Always…men’s underwear and belts!
Thank you in advance for your generosity and continued
support of our charities during this challenging time.
Nanci Odom
We are all disappointed by the cancellation of the July Women’s Club luncheon and the Home and Garden Show.
Understandably, our charities are disappointed as well.
This is the fourth month the Denton Community Food Center and Friends of the Family have missed
attending our luncheons and benefitting from our financial donations.
As we all know, the Home and Garden Show is always a major fundraiser for
Our Daily Bread and the Monsignor King Outreach Center.
But wait! There is still an opportunity for you to help!
Financial donations can be made at each of the charity’s website or by mail.
Please see their contact information below.
If you prefer, pick up a few of their requested items below the next time you are at the store.
You are welcome to drop them off on the porch at 8500 Sterling Drive and we will deliver them for you!
Denton Community Food Center
(community food pantry)
Mail: 306 N Loop 288, Ste. 400
Denton, TX 76209
Denton County Friends of the Family
(assistance for victims of domestic violence)
Mail: 4845 S Interstate I-35
Ste. 200
Corinth, TX 76210
Our Daily Bread
(variety of social services,
including breakfast and lunch 6 days/week)
Mail: 300 W. Oak Street
Denton, TX 76201
Monsignor King Outreach Center
(homeless shelter)
Mail: P. O. Box 718
Denton 76202
If you make a financial donation, please indicate you are a member of the
Robson Ranch Women’s Club.
Requested items include:
- Canned chicken
- Tuna
- Vienna Sausages
- Soup
- “Heat and Serve” items (Spaghetti-O’s)
- Cereal (regular and family size)
- Boxed juices
- Bottled water
- Ranch dressing (large)
- Fruit cups
- Single serve snacks
(nuts, peanut butter crackers)
- Hygiene items (deodorant, sunscreen, razors)
- Always…men’s underwear and belts!
Thank you in advance for your generosity and continued
support of our charities during this challenging time.
Nanci Odom
Posted May 27, 2020
Fellow volunteers.....
A big thank you to Lucille Zimmerman for suggesting a clothes drive to help our charities’ clients
with summer clothes AND then, volunteering to host it at her home.
All last week, dozens of bags and boxes of clothing and shoes were dropped at Lucille’s front porch.
Following social distancing guidelines only allowed for the two of us to have ‘all the fun’ of
sorting through everything and directing to the appropriate charity.
The drive ended last Friday and even though it was a holiday weekend,
by Tuesday morning everything had been delivered to Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King
to go directly to their clients, or Friends of the Family’s resale shop Upscale Resale.
We received so many donations we were even able to share many bags of clothing
with Community Clothes Closet, a Justin charity who provides such items for free to those in need.
The one item still needed are men’s belts, so please ask all the men in your life if they have any to donate.
Thank you to all who brought donations....and just as we asked, freshly laundered, neatly folded summer clothes!! Your donations will be put to good use immediately.
Obviously, the Denton Community Food Center is not in the clothing business
and was not a benefactor of this project. They’re currently serving an average of 82 families each day
they are open, with some days reaching 120 families.
If you’d like to pick up a few things to help them,
they need canned tuna or chicken, cereal, heat and serve items (like spaghettiOs) and soup.
Chef Liz and the gang at Our Daily Bread continue to do an amazing job of feeding their 150+ clients,
and also the 70 Monsignor King clients who are still in the motel.
They do this six days a week and prepare a snack pack for Sundays.
If you’d like to help them, they could still use many single serve items such as Vienna sausages,
fruit cups, juice boxes, soups with pop-tops, zip lock sandwich bags, socks, razors, and deodorant.
Because you all did such a great job, they Do Not need detergent bottles until early July!
Friends of the Family has not reopened to seeing clients in person yet.
When they do, there will likely be opportunities to help them in such ways
as stocking their small on-site food pantry.
Our charities have missed receiving our donations from the April, May and June meetings.
As such, this is a great opportunity for those of you who have not yet participated to jump in and help.
Of course, financial donations are always welcome and can be processed on their websites.
But, in this time of increased need, actual product as outlined above is especially welcomed and appreciated.
Any items purchased may be brought to my porch at 8500 Sterling Drive and
I will arrange transportation to the charities.
Thank you in advance for your continued support of our charities and your donations.
Fellow volunteers.....
A big thank you to Lucille Zimmerman for suggesting a clothes drive to help our charities’ clients
with summer clothes AND then, volunteering to host it at her home.
All last week, dozens of bags and boxes of clothing and shoes were dropped at Lucille’s front porch.
Following social distancing guidelines only allowed for the two of us to have ‘all the fun’ of
sorting through everything and directing to the appropriate charity.
The drive ended last Friday and even though it was a holiday weekend,
by Tuesday morning everything had been delivered to Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King
to go directly to their clients, or Friends of the Family’s resale shop Upscale Resale.
We received so many donations we were even able to share many bags of clothing
with Community Clothes Closet, a Justin charity who provides such items for free to those in need.
The one item still needed are men’s belts, so please ask all the men in your life if they have any to donate.
Thank you to all who brought donations....and just as we asked, freshly laundered, neatly folded summer clothes!! Your donations will be put to good use immediately.
Obviously, the Denton Community Food Center is not in the clothing business
and was not a benefactor of this project. They’re currently serving an average of 82 families each day
they are open, with some days reaching 120 families.
If you’d like to pick up a few things to help them,
they need canned tuna or chicken, cereal, heat and serve items (like spaghettiOs) and soup.
Chef Liz and the gang at Our Daily Bread continue to do an amazing job of feeding their 150+ clients,
and also the 70 Monsignor King clients who are still in the motel.
They do this six days a week and prepare a snack pack for Sundays.
If you’d like to help them, they could still use many single serve items such as Vienna sausages,
fruit cups, juice boxes, soups with pop-tops, zip lock sandwich bags, socks, razors, and deodorant.
Because you all did such a great job, they Do Not need detergent bottles until early July!
Friends of the Family has not reopened to seeing clients in person yet.
When they do, there will likely be opportunities to help them in such ways
as stocking their small on-site food pantry.
Our charities have missed receiving our donations from the April, May and June meetings.
As such, this is a great opportunity for those of you who have not yet participated to jump in and help.
Of course, financial donations are always welcome and can be processed on their websites.
But, in this time of increased need, actual product as outlined above is especially welcomed and appreciated.
Any items purchased may be brought to my porch at 8500 Sterling Drive and
I will arrange transportation to the charities.
Thank you in advance for your continued support of our charities and your donations.
Posted May 2, 2020
Fellow Volunteers....
With the Texas stay-at-home order expiring last night, we just learned that Our Daily Bread
will begin serving breakfast and lunch on location beginning today.
They will follow social distancing guidelines and will serve in the gym and outside.
With this return to their near normal model, they are once again asking for volunteers.
If interested, you may sign-up on their website for the days and positions of your choice.
This change in their delivery model also changes their needs.
They no longer need brown paper bags (thanks to our generous donations).
They do need bottles of salad dressing (Ranch is a favorite) and large boxes of cereal.
Because they will still be doing weekend snack packs, they still need individual servings ,
such as boxed juice, single serve tuna, small cans of Vienna sausages,
and plastic zip lock type bags of all sizes.
Denton Community Food Center continues to need 1) canned chicken 2) canned tuna
3) heat and serve items like spaghetti o’s, and 4) hearty soups.
In addition to our three regular drop off locations,
you may bring things directly to my house, 8500 Sterling Drive.
If I know you’re coming, you can place things directly in my trunk.
But wait....there’s more!
Lucille Zimmerman has graciously offered to collect both men’s and women’s casual clothes
(t-shirts, shorts, casual slacks, jeans, capris, tank tops (no dressy clothes)
and shoes for the clients of Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King Outreach Center
at her home starting Monday, May 11 thru Friday, May 22.
Freshly Laundered, Folded Clothes either in Bags or Boxes (no hangers, please)
may be left on her porch at 12101 Glenbrook Street.
And finally, in addition to it being Cinco de Mayo,
next Tuesday, May 5 is North Texas Giving Day,
a special call by all charities for help during this time of tremendous need.
So, if buying food to donate isn’t your thing, financial donations may be made on each charities website.
In my best southern Pennsylvania accent, please allow me to say, “Ya’ll are awesome!”
Take care and be safe....
Fellow Volunteers....
With the Texas stay-at-home order expiring last night, we just learned that Our Daily Bread
will begin serving breakfast and lunch on location beginning today.
They will follow social distancing guidelines and will serve in the gym and outside.
With this return to their near normal model, they are once again asking for volunteers.
If interested, you may sign-up on their website for the days and positions of your choice.
This change in their delivery model also changes their needs.
They no longer need brown paper bags (thanks to our generous donations).
They do need bottles of salad dressing (Ranch is a favorite) and large boxes of cereal.
Because they will still be doing weekend snack packs, they still need individual servings ,
such as boxed juice, single serve tuna, small cans of Vienna sausages,
and plastic zip lock type bags of all sizes.
Denton Community Food Center continues to need 1) canned chicken 2) canned tuna
3) heat and serve items like spaghetti o’s, and 4) hearty soups.
In addition to our three regular drop off locations,
you may bring things directly to my house, 8500 Sterling Drive.
If I know you’re coming, you can place things directly in my trunk.
But wait....there’s more!
Lucille Zimmerman has graciously offered to collect both men’s and women’s casual clothes
(t-shirts, shorts, casual slacks, jeans, capris, tank tops (no dressy clothes)
and shoes for the clients of Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King Outreach Center
at her home starting Monday, May 11 thru Friday, May 22.
Freshly Laundered, Folded Clothes either in Bags or Boxes (no hangers, please)
may be left on her porch at 12101 Glenbrook Street.
And finally, in addition to it being Cinco de Mayo,
next Tuesday, May 5 is North Texas Giving Day,
a special call by all charities for help during this time of tremendous need.
So, if buying food to donate isn’t your thing, financial donations may be made on each charities website.
In my best southern Pennsylvania accent, please allow me to say, “Ya’ll are awesome!”
Take care and be safe....
Posted April 22, 2020
Fellow volunteers......
With our now weekly contributions of cash, a large variety of food, individual serving containers/cutlery, toiletries, detergent bottles, and plastic bags, we are certainly enhancing the reputation of Robson Ranch in the greater Denton community, while fulfilling a huge need for our charities ODB and MK and those they serve!!
What a winning combination!
Thank you all who have contributed to date....some of you have added a few needed items to your weekly Walmart or Kroger online shopping list, others have picked up items from Sam’s or Costco or special ordered cases of applesauce, peanut butter crackers, etc. from Amazon Prime. We are definitely a group of generous high achievers!
Sandy Conwell and Carol Rogers report the most pressing needs now at ODB are real juice boxed juices (more juice less sugar), large jars of jelly or jam (they have peanut butter), styrofoam sectioned containers and 3oz containers with lid and brown paper lunch bags. They also need back packs, if you have any old ones to donate....
And as always, detergent bottles and plastic bags.
And then, here’s the fun part....the opportunity for the men in your life to clean out their closet or for you to get rid of that awful shirt or wild shorts you’ve always hated! ODB/MK need everything for men...Summer shirts, t-shirts, jeans, shorts, pants, belts, socks, shoes, underwear, light weight jackets and hats/ball caps. No suits or tuxedos, please. Obviously, everything needs to be freshly laundered and folded.
I can’t imagine how exhausted Chef Liz and her assistant Ashley must be, working at this pace six days a week. I know they greatly appreciate all we are doing and how responsive we’ve been to their needs.
Just a quick note about DCFC....they are breaking records, now serving over 120 families vs their normal 25-30/day. They’re also having supply challenges, with grocery stores not having excess to donate and the Tarrant Food Bank (where they buy food) running their own food pantries to the public. If you’d like to help the Food Center the three things they need most are 1) soup 2) canned heat and serve food like SpaghettiOs and 3) canned tuna or chicken. Any of those items you can bring directly to my front porch at 8500 Sterling Dr. and I’ll make sure they get there.
And, they too always need plastic bags.
Again, thank you for all you do and all you contribute. And, a special thank you to our fellow RRWC Community Relations members Sandy Conwell and Carol Rogers who continue to volunteer every week at ODB and Karen Brannon and Honee Berlin who continue to volunteer every week at DCFC. You are awesome!
Please call with any questions or suggestions....
Fellow volunteers......
With our now weekly contributions of cash, a large variety of food, individual serving containers/cutlery, toiletries, detergent bottles, and plastic bags, we are certainly enhancing the reputation of Robson Ranch in the greater Denton community, while fulfilling a huge need for our charities ODB and MK and those they serve!!
What a winning combination!
Thank you all who have contributed to date....some of you have added a few needed items to your weekly Walmart or Kroger online shopping list, others have picked up items from Sam’s or Costco or special ordered cases of applesauce, peanut butter crackers, etc. from Amazon Prime. We are definitely a group of generous high achievers!
Sandy Conwell and Carol Rogers report the most pressing needs now at ODB are real juice boxed juices (more juice less sugar), large jars of jelly or jam (they have peanut butter), styrofoam sectioned containers and 3oz containers with lid and brown paper lunch bags. They also need back packs, if you have any old ones to donate....
And as always, detergent bottles and plastic bags.
And then, here’s the fun part....the opportunity for the men in your life to clean out their closet or for you to get rid of that awful shirt or wild shorts you’ve always hated! ODB/MK need everything for men...Summer shirts, t-shirts, jeans, shorts, pants, belts, socks, shoes, underwear, light weight jackets and hats/ball caps. No suits or tuxedos, please. Obviously, everything needs to be freshly laundered and folded.
I can’t imagine how exhausted Chef Liz and her assistant Ashley must be, working at this pace six days a week. I know they greatly appreciate all we are doing and how responsive we’ve been to their needs.
Just a quick note about DCFC....they are breaking records, now serving over 120 families vs their normal 25-30/day. They’re also having supply challenges, with grocery stores not having excess to donate and the Tarrant Food Bank (where they buy food) running their own food pantries to the public. If you’d like to help the Food Center the three things they need most are 1) soup 2) canned heat and serve food like SpaghettiOs and 3) canned tuna or chicken. Any of those items you can bring directly to my front porch at 8500 Sterling Dr. and I’ll make sure they get there.
And, they too always need plastic bags.
Again, thank you for all you do and all you contribute. And, a special thank you to our fellow RRWC Community Relations members Sandy Conwell and Carol Rogers who continue to volunteer every week at ODB and Karen Brannon and Honee Berlin who continue to volunteer every week at DCFC. You are awesome!
Please call with any questions or suggestions....
April 13, 2020
Fellow Volunteers.....hope you had a glorious Passover/Easter weekend!
Several of you asked for ODB’s latest needs for you to add to your grocery order this week.
Carol Rogers shared this update from Wendy, ODB’s executive director.....please read to the end.
As of today operations consist of:
Carol Rogers
[email protected]
Fellow Volunteers.....hope you had a glorious Passover/Easter weekend!
Several of you asked for ODB’s latest needs for you to add to your grocery order this week.
Carol Rogers shared this update from Wendy, ODB’s executive director.....please read to the end.
As of today operations consist of:
- "To Go" meals provided Monday through Saturday from 11am until 12:45pm to anyone, no questions asked
- On-site meal service has increased to 3 meals per day per person consisting of a hot lunch, a non-perishable dinner, and breakfast for the next morning
- On Saturday for on-site guests we are providing non-perishable meals to go for Sunday
- We are serving approximately 120 people on site per day; up from 80 a little over a week ago
- On-site, we are still providing mail service, pet food, farmer's market, weekly laundry vouchers, clothing, prescription vouchers, and transportation assistance
- Last week, thanks to St Andrew Presbyterian Church, we added shower service, Monday - Friday from 10am until 1:00pm
- Limited case management and rapid rehousing services are available
- We are working to meet the needs of un-sheltered individuals who are not accessing ODB for food and essentials through Street Outreach efforts
- Denton Community Health Clinic is seeing patients up to two times per week at ODB
- We are in talks with Goodwill Employment Services to streamline a referral system to connect guests with employment opportunities
- Shelter guests from MKOC (all guests) and Salvation Army (shelter overflow guests) are being housed at the Deluxe Inn
- We are providing 64 shelter guests at the motel with 3 meals per day, 7 days per week
- ODB is also providing shelter guests at motel with mail service, hygiene items, market items and social/emotional support
- Grace Like Rain is sheltering families at LaQuinta Inn
- We are providing 2 meals per day to 7 Grace Like Rain guests at La Quinta Inn
- We are a participating agency providing COVID-19 Relief Assistance for rent and utilities for people who have lost income or employment due to COVID-19 measures
- Sports drinks (Gatorade/Powerade)
- Juice Boxes
- Shelf stable milk (such as Horizon)
- Bottled Water
- Instant coffee packaged in individual servings
- Soups with pop tops (that do not require a can opener)
- Applesauce and fruit cups
- Mac and cheese cups
- Cereal
- Individual cups or bags of instant oatmeal and grits
- Protein shakes
- Nutri-Grain type bars
- To go containers, portion cups with lids and plastic sandwich and snack bags
- To go utensil packs
- Brown paper lunch bags
- Napkins
- Plastic spoons, knives and forks
- Razors and shaving cream
- Hand sanitizer (large and individual containers)
- Wipes
- New underwear (men & women)
- Tennis shoes
- Gently used, clean clothing
- Disposable gloves
Carol Rogers
[email protected]
April 10, 2020
Fellow volunteers.....
Hope you are all staying safe and sane…
A quick update on how our charities are faring and of course, how we can help!
Chef Liz and the staff of Our Daily Bread are feeding both their clients and
Monsignor King clients three meals a day.
When people come at noon time they are given a hot lunch,
a sack dinner with various single serving items, and breakfast for the next morning....
all on a takeaway basis.
Sandy Conwell shared the current needs include Styrofoam containers with three sections
(available at Sam’s), large jars of jelly for PP and J,individual servings of soup with pop tops,
protein (tuna pouches, beef jerky,Vienna sausages, spam),
all types of toiletries and men/women’s gently used, freshly laundered underwear
and of course, plastic bags.
Last week, Jo Leenhoutes remembered there were many empty water bottles
in the fourth floor storage room at ODB. Carol Rogers brought all 176 to me and
I distributed many of those to several of you who volunteered to fill them with 8 Oz of detergent.
Thanks to all who helped with this ongoing need!
Call now...operators are standing by! (How bored are you?)
Knowing from Eileen Scheffler that the Material Girls were making masks,
I asked if we could get some for our charities. She put me in touch with Sandi Price,
and as a result ,we were able to facilitate a donation of 70 masks
from the Material Girls, plus 50 masks from our own Angela Waters.
These 120 masks went to both Our Daily Bread (90) and the Denton Community Food Center (30).
Both organizations were ever so grateful for these lined, washable and yes, stylish masks!!
But wait, there’s more.....The Material Girls donated 150 masks to AstraZenica Pharmaceuticals
and they in turn donated $5,000 to Denton Community Food Service!
Karen Brannon shared that DCFC is up to 80 families served per day they are open,
with 60% being new clients. That compares to 25-30/day in normal times.
What else can we do?
Go online and sign up for Kroger’s Community Rewards program
and designate one of our four as your chosen charity and enroll with
and designate one of our charities. Both are ways to help without spending a dime.
We certainly don’t have to look far to be reminded how fortunate we are, even in these challenging times.
Please have a happy and healthy holiday!!
Nanci (Operator)
Fellow volunteers.....
Hope you are all staying safe and sane…
A quick update on how our charities are faring and of course, how we can help!
Chef Liz and the staff of Our Daily Bread are feeding both their clients and
Monsignor King clients three meals a day.
When people come at noon time they are given a hot lunch,
a sack dinner with various single serving items, and breakfast for the next morning....
all on a takeaway basis.
Sandy Conwell shared the current needs include Styrofoam containers with three sections
(available at Sam’s), large jars of jelly for PP and J,individual servings of soup with pop tops,
protein (tuna pouches, beef jerky,Vienna sausages, spam),
all types of toiletries and men/women’s gently used, freshly laundered underwear
and of course, plastic bags.
Last week, Jo Leenhoutes remembered there were many empty water bottles
in the fourth floor storage room at ODB. Carol Rogers brought all 176 to me and
I distributed many of those to several of you who volunteered to fill them with 8 Oz of detergent.
Thanks to all who helped with this ongoing need!
Call now...operators are standing by! (How bored are you?)
Knowing from Eileen Scheffler that the Material Girls were making masks,
I asked if we could get some for our charities. She put me in touch with Sandi Price,
and as a result ,we were able to facilitate a donation of 70 masks
from the Material Girls, plus 50 masks from our own Angela Waters.
These 120 masks went to both Our Daily Bread (90) and the Denton Community Food Center (30).
Both organizations were ever so grateful for these lined, washable and yes, stylish masks!!
But wait, there’s more.....The Material Girls donated 150 masks to AstraZenica Pharmaceuticals
and they in turn donated $5,000 to Denton Community Food Service!
Karen Brannon shared that DCFC is up to 80 families served per day they are open,
with 60% being new clients. That compares to 25-30/day in normal times.
What else can we do?
Go online and sign up for Kroger’s Community Rewards program
and designate one of our four as your chosen charity and enroll with
and designate one of our charities. Both are ways to help without spending a dime.
We certainly don’t have to look far to be reminded how fortunate we are, even in these challenging times.
Please have a happy and healthy holiday!!
Nanci (Operator)
Committee meeting, Thursday January 30 from 2:00-3:30 in the Patriot Room.
On Monday, January 27 we had a tour of the Denton Community Food Center’s
new facilitywith Tom Newell, their Executive Director.
Meeting held on Wednesday, January 8 in the Legacy Room at 3:00 p.m.,
to discuss upcoming tours of our charities
and volunteer opportunities in the new year.
Fellow volunteers....
We had wonderful tours of Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King Outreach Center
om Monday, January 20th..
At ODB, we met their new Volunteer Coordinator, Alva Santos, who introduced us to Chef Liz and gave us a very comprehensive explanation of their many services. When you’re ready, their website gives a complete list of their volunteer opportunities with job descriptions, including jobs which allow you to sit versus standing for hours. If you have questions, feel free to contact Alva at 940.566.1308 and identify yourself as part of the RRWC Community Relations Committee. When asked, Alva also shared some of their immediate needs: men’s belts and pants, winter hats, gloves and scarves, rain ponchos, backpacks, (all of which may be gently used) and for toiletries: toilet paper, razors, laundry soap and small zip lock bags that lock. Items may be dropped off at ODB from 9:00-1:00 Monday-Saturday (300 West Oak Street). We also took several bags filled with plastic bags and empty water bottles with lids.
We then made our way to Monsignor King, where we met their new Executive Director, Katherine Gonzales. Now that they’re seven days a week, they have two programs. One program, which is half their beds, continues to be an emergency shelter where guests may stay for up to 30 days. The new program, available to those who qualify, allows guests to stay longer as they work within the program toward independent living again. When asked, Katherine said their greatest needs were volunteers!! Beyond that, their needs include men’s and women’s underwear, men’s t-shirts L, XL and larger, scarves, hats and gloves (may be gently used) and toiletries such as deodorant, razors and nail clippers. Any items for MK may be dropped off from mid to late afternoon when the administrative staff is there (300 S Woodrow Lane). We took a few dozen gently used bath towels, wash cloths and pillow cases,
which were much appreciated.